Becoming an
Internship Employer

The internship program at GSAS is an experiential learning model that provides graduate students with opportunities to apply knowledge acquired through course work to solve real-world problems in companies. The program offers a pool of enthusiastic and talented employees with updated skills, as well as potential relationships with future colleagues.


Employing a GSAS graduate student allows you to build your own pipeline of well-skilled and well-trained future employees, tackle those difficult technology-driven problems, and enable employees to handle more projects. Hire only as needed, for as long as needed.

Through the internship program, GSAS can provide you:

  • A cost-effective worker source: most interns will require no or little compensation.
  • Up to six-month internship periods, allowing ample time for students to become productive and valuable employees.
  • The updated technology skills, enthusiasm, and fresh perspective of talented young graduate student eager to work.


When you become an employer partner of GSAS, you work with a dedicated Internship Coordinator to assist you, and to support you and students throughout the internship process. The Internship Coordinator can help you to disseminate your positions, attract the best applicants, and address any issues during the internship process.

Internship Hiring is Easy

  1. Discuss your needs: Your dedicated Internship Coordinator can advise you about the level, type, and time frame of students available, the appropriate task for an internship position, and how our graduate students can contribute to your organization.
  2. Submit a job opening: The job description should describe your company and the position/task to be accomplished, the requirements and the stipend (if any).
  3. Interview applicants: Internship coordinators identify appropriate candidates for you to interview.
  4. Hire and mentor students: After make the hiring decision, provide the necessary orientation and mentoring from appropriate senior staff.
  5. Evaluate your internship student: Complete an online evaluation form and exit interview at the end of the internship assignment for each student.